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20190323_151005_06510_c1.jpg 20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin20190323 150743 06502 c1ThumbnailsDrew Hendry MP rallies the troops before we begin